Saturday, July 8, 2017

1 Second a Day

Throughout my internship with the United Nations (UN), I have been given the privilege to learn about administrative mannerisms, arms trafficking, forensic ballistics, Resolution 1540, the missing links within the private security sector, the life cycle of its projects, how the UN executes grant writing and much more. I have been given the opportunity to become accustomed to an 8-5 job (most often longer hours than this). I am now a disarmament ambassador, continue to be an advocate for peace,  and have become proficient in my marketing attempts with the color blue. It has been an enriching experience and extremely conducive towards seamlessly introducing me to the paying-professional world after I honorably receive my Master’s degree from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. 
I was asked to keep my blog discrete, which propelled a desire to creatively document this time in Lima, hence the title of this blog. The congested city, endless honking, pungent smells, loving people, kind souls, delectable food, and enduring stomach infections has tested my resilience and have shown me that I am much more capable, patient, and optimistic than I previously thought. 
To my colleagues at UNLIREC, my roommates and friends in Lima, my friends and family in Pedregal, MIIS, and my loved ones back home, I cannot thank you enough for contributing immensely towards this unforgettable chapter of my life. It flew by! and the video below (3:41 seconds) illustrates the speed, story, and feelings of the last six months of my life. 

Used with the APP called 1SE

Friday, July 7, 2017

[In] Security

[Context: The day before Addy's flight she is sitting at her favorite cafe, enjoying dinner with her friends, where her purse gets stolen. Below is her internal dialogue throughout the final 24 hours in Lima, Peru]. 

This gnocchi is so good. Everyone is already done, but I don't care, I am gonna savor every single bite. [The bill comes and she reaches for her purse] My purse, it's gone! Holy s**t, oh my gosh. The man behind me, he took it. My hands are shaking. Addy, do NOT cry. Don't cry. Breath, just breath deeply. Everyone is talking, but I can't hear them. Just focus. My cards! Call Chase bank and cancel your cards now. My passport. My ray bans. My chapstick. My Peruvian purse!... It's just stuff, it's just stuff. Goodness, at least I have my phone, it could be worse. [Brooklyn, her roommate, arrives, and soon after, so do the Police.The waiter, she and her friends give a statement] Brooklyn is here, ok, I can cry now. She wants to come with me to the police station?! Don't burden her, this happened to you not her. Gosh, she's insisting as always...I love her for saying no to me. 

Miraflores Police Office writing her Police Report 
[It is 11 pm and they arrive at the Police station] I just want to go home. F**K YOU [Out of anger she curses, thinking of no one in particular, just life in general]. Addy, you're upset, it's going to be ok. Just breath. Call mom. Pity and comfort are the last things I need right now, I need her rational brain [She calls her mom and instantly feels better]. Brooklyn is so sweet to come, I'd be so bored if I were her. Gosh, this is taking FOREVER [It took 20 minutes]. 

[They arrive home and broke Peace Corps Volunteer Brooklyn gives her cash] I'm lucky to have her. This is so awkward but I'll pay her back. I need to go to bed. I am so exhausted. I need to wake up early to head to the Embassy. It's all going to be ok, stay positive. [She could not fall asleep for another hour; she spends it watching funny cat memes to lower her heart rate and calm down]. 

[Early morning she arrives at the United States Embassy] Wow, this place is massive! [She gets through security] That was easy to go through, but why am I so emotional? adrenaline? frustration? because this is not how I wanted to spend my last day in Peru? The Passport lady is pretty nice. WHAT, It's going to cost $135 dollars!! But I have no cash! no cards [As she stands facing the Passport lady, tears start to flood] ...but wait... [She suddenly remembers] DAVE RAMSEY! My In-Case-Of-Emergency envelope at the apartment in my travel safe. He's so smart. 

[She travels back to Miraflores which is roughly 35 minutes and returns back to the Embassy with cash tightly hidden in her belt buckle, under her clothes. She protects it with her life]. The guards recognize me, probably because of my desperate and helpless look. Just smile, be grateful they are being so delicate with you. There are others who got their passport stolen and fly out tonight, like me?! [Her and the other two passport-less people bond. Hours later, at 3 pm, her and the other two receive their emergency passports but are told that they need the entrance stamp, which is accessible 45 minutes away, and they close at 4 pm, Addy's anxiety resurges with force]. Please universe, get me home. I know I'll make it. I' have to make it. [The Embassy calls the airport, and like guardian angels sent from the heavens, they report the good news that they might be able to receive the entrance stamp at the airport]. 

[Addy arrives at her apartment around 5 pm, she packs, writes her thank you cards to UNLIREC and her roommates]. I don't have time to shower. It's ok, I smell alright. Where are my essential oils?... Solved. Am I forgetting anything? Why do I have so much stuff?! I need to become a minimalist. Yep, this is a sign, I should become a minimalist, AND never let my guard down in a developing country. Ever.  

[She arrives at the airport] OK, my bags are checked in and thank goodness they aren't over the weight that's allowed. Ok, hopefully, please, PLEASE let immigration let me through. Addy, stop thinking out loud, people are looking at you. I don't care. I do. No, not right now I don't. 

[Addy gets through immigration with no problem and sits at her gate in disbelief] Wow that was intense. I'm so blessed, blessed to be American, blessed I have people back home willing to wire me money if I needed, blessed for all the love and support, blessed that I wasn't robbed at gunpoint, blessed I have a safe home to go to, blessed for this internship, blessed it was in Peru, blessed that I am here, now, alive. Yes, I endured constant health issues, the Lima theft, the always waiting, the heartaches... [She sighs deeply] it was all worth it because I LOVE PERU. I LOVED MY JOB.[Addy experiences a massive wave of relief and gratitude.  She remains seated for a few minutes in peace, present to her beautiful life and good fortune before sharing the good news. This small obstacle was a reminder to be grateful for the now, and for what's real. After contacting her family, friends, and colleagues, she laughs uncontrollably] Oh, this life. Addy, you know you love it, despite its downfalls. What the heck, Lima, give me a break. Are you testing my worthiness for this type of work? Cause I'll thrive. It all worked out. The day before I leave I get robbed, I can't believe it. Is this a sign? A  sign I shouldn't come back? A sign Peru wants me to stay?  [She Inhales deeply, smiling as she thinks about her home in California, where she will be in a few hours]. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Ever wonder why perfume wears off so quickly? Others notice the fragrance but our brain does not waste time reminding us because it is so familiar. But if you were to step outside or into another environment, your sense of smell checks for danger and food and reports back. As a result, the perfume scent returns. 

When odor molecules travel through our nasal cavity, their navigation herds them towards the olfactory bulb: from a bird's eye view, it resembles small horns at the front of the brain. From there, olfactory information can take different routes within the brain; to the amygdala, which is associated with emotion and motivation, to the hippocampus, which is associated with memory, and to the olfactory cortex. All three regions deliver the smell information and interpretations to the frontal cortex, the brain region required for cognitive processes like decision making. 

The fresh scent of rain generates relief and happiness within me, perhaps this is inherently linked to our species' need for water. The comforting scent of Coppertone sunblock, one of my favorite scents, reminds me that summer is near. And the Mexican in me is hypnotized by the aroma of slightly burnt flour tortillas. 

When I first arrived in Lima, the country welcomed me with the repelling tang of piss, sewage, and exhaust. Now, my brain no longer recognizes the foul smells that invaded my nose in January. I do, however, have to breathe out of my mouth and walk quickly through the protein aisle at the market. And the horrendous sulfur odor, from the Giardia I had, was an uncomfortable and embarrassing time of my life. 

On the other hand, the scent of the fruit in Peru is sweet and penetrating; a mango in my room makes it seem like I have a Bath & Body Works Wallflower plugged in.  On my way to early morning Yoga, I am greeted by freshly baked bread as I pass multiple bakeries. When the fog takes over the city, a brisk ocean breeze allows me to be present to the almighty ocean. 

A cloud of chemicals swirls up my nose when I enter my favorite place in Lima: where I work. Aside from its gorgeous infrastructure, I get a sense of peace (pun intended) when I step foot within the guarded gates of the United Nations complex. Thank you, SeƱor Beato, for nurturing our gardens; the fresh-cut grass evokes a long and steady inhale, aaaahhhhhh. As I make my way to the office kitchen, fresh coffee overshadows all my senses, preparing me for a productive day. I truly love the smell of my routine, which then ends with a lilac scented candle and Suavitel Softener as I tuck myself into bed. 

Our sense of smell is a fascinating science yet in a survey of 7,000 young people around the world, ages 16 to 30,  reported they would rather lose their sense of smell than give up access to technology. This is a frightening reality for many. 

Thursday, April 6, 2017


What is the largest organ in the human body? 

Answer: THE SKIN! It makes up about 15% of our body weight. Touch is first processed by the skin, which sends neurochemical signals to our somatosensory cortex, which brings to consciousness the precise nature of the touch. A recent article posted in Psychology Today highlighted that scientific research now correlates physical touch with the following areas: decreased violence, greater trust in individuals, economic gain, stronger immune system, stronger team dynamics, more non-sexual emotional intimacy, greater learning engagement, and overall well-being. 

Our skin gives our brain a wealth of information about the environment around us. Like the euphoric wave from a newborn clasping your finger, the subtle touch of your lovers' foot in the middle of the night, the burn from that first childhood bee sting, or the calming sensation of your mother's arms cradling you, even as an adult. Nothing eases suffering like the human touch, whether it's receiving or giving it. And once again in my life, I am thriving without it but it is not easy. I miss it every single day, especially lately with so much conflict and tragedy haunting the media, news, and our consciousness. While serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer, at least I got to hold adorable Peruvian babies. Not here at the UN complex, the office printer and I share more physical intimacy than any human in my life. Fortunately, it was a colleague's birthday recently, which means an excuse to give a hug!

I can relate 

Since I arrived, the weather in Lima has an average of 85 degrees Fahrenheit with 77% humidity. This has resulted in the need for an anti-fungal cream for my feet. My shoulders, back, and scalp instantly warm up when I walk outside. Once I leave my house, the human interaction begins! Tactile communication has evolved throughout the years with a clasp, use of tools, and affection. Just as chimps use touch to form alliances we use touch as a language, especially in Latin America. Here people greet each other with a handshake and kiss on the cheek. Juan Carlos from the street corner, a man whose occupation I don't know, greets me almost every morning with a kind gesture and smile. I shake his chubby coarse hand and kiss his sweaty cheek. I look forward to our 10-second interaction.

When I arrive to work I sit comfortably at my desk, smiling and ready to slash my to-do list like a fruit ninja. The feeling of a keyboard on my fingertips is all too familiar. It is bittersweet to think that my hands effortlessly navigate machinery, as oppose to turning a page, or the unavoidable ache in my right palm when I journal. I am reminded of the fungus as I simultaneously rub my feet against one another under my desk, the itch is relentless.

After work, I practice Yoga. Aside from the rejuvenating workout, goosebumps ripple throughout my body as the teacher adjusts my downward facing dog; the human touch seems foreign and almost forgotten. Afterward, I shower, feeling the water cascading down my body. What a refreshing privilege! I reach for my coconut oil and apply it to my skin and to my surprise, it is almost solid: a sign that the evenings are starting to cool down. Thank goodness, because my slumber has resembled a crocodile using the "death roll" to kill its large prey.

Isn't she beautiful? 

I am in a long-distance relationship, which means I have substituted his human touch for constant daydreaming, and frequent phone calls, just to hear the sound of his voice. This separation anxiety makes me wonder if there is a correlation between developed countries, whose population has more personal space and owning pets.  I do not have a pet, but you better believe that I caress my plant.

Sources used: Human Touch , Psychology Today, Sense of Touch, elephant journal, 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Claus·tro·pho·bi·a: (noun) extreme or irrational fear of confined places.
People watching at the Malecon 
If you find yourself on the spectrum of claustrophobia, get ready to overcome this fear when traveling within Peru. On foot, I normally take a longer or scenic route for two reasons. First, to avoid major highways - this is where I experience claustrophobia. Here, the sidewalks are saturated with people, the pollution from bumper-to-bumper traffic infest my nostrils, and the constant honking crowds my hearing. And secondly, because the oceanside is stunning in every opposite way I just mentioned. I live in Miraflores, which is within walking distance to the grocery stores, a movie theater, the oceanside, a bank, a post office, and many tourist attractions. Walking is a gift, especially when I spend most of my days sitting at a corner desk. In order to enjoy walking in the bustling metropolis, I listen to music. Some evenings I put on my headphones and walk around, smiling because I can people-watch without interruption; Lima city is a motion picture twenty-four seven.
Avenida Ejercito: the bus stop in front of the United Nations Complex
My work is a 20-minute bus ride north. I leave my apartment at 7:30 am. I walk to the bus stop which is roughly ten minutes away. It is here where I patiently wait for a purple or orange bus - they take me to Ejercito, the main avenue where the United Nations complex is located. My fingers are crossed hoping it is not packed as usual. I am almost always disappointed. Most of the time the two exits are bulging, like a beer belly captive in levis jeans one size too small. Although this many people should not be corralled into such a confined space, the Ministry of Transport has defeated the system. Waves of body odor ebb and flow. And body contact, or borderline cuddling, is inevitable. I stand, with my left hand tightly gripping a seat and my right on my backpack.
A not so crowded bus 
At first, I was the outcast and not because I am a foreigner. The constant gas-to-break motion had me stumbling like an inebriated person. Fortunately, after my first week, my gripping reflexes kept me from inconveniencing anyone. It was during this phase where I learned a valuable lesson: don't grip too hard, just go with the flow. It is fascinating to watch as everyone is in harmony, like a sea life in the underwater current flowing back and forth. This lesson transcended to other areas of my life, especially my internship.
After work, there are seemingly fewer passengers on the bus. I am overjoyed as I approach the double doors and find myself in a vacant bus. The sun is setting and the heat has lessened. This is my favorite time of the day. This costs me S/.1.00 which translates to $.31 cents, each way. Although there is more room, fresh air, and comfort in an Uber, the price can range from S/. 9.00 to S/. 21.00 soles, depending on the hour.

Contrary to what you might feel, I love taking the bus. I praise and appreciate this human experience. It is rare in life when we are in such close proximity to dozens of people. I often wonder where they are headed or where they are coming from. Mostly, people avoid eye contact but I like to sneak in a smile now and then. It is energizing when a shared smile, contagious in nature, brings to life a perplexed or exhausted face. I see my stop approaching and say "baja en el paradero". I step off feeling the cool breeze with all my senses unthreatened.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

My Gut

There is a restless highway between our brain and our gut. The enteric nervous system is often referred to as our body’s second brain. It belongs to the part of the nervous system that is responsible for controlling the gastrointestinal system. We often refer to that "gut feeling" with first impressions, trusting our "gut instinct" during distress, feel our stomach suddenly drop when having a mental collapse or feel in love, and a loss of appetite when our brain pathways are dominated by adrenaline. "Our brain and gut are connected by an extensive network of neurons and a highway of chemicals and hormones that constantly provide feedback about how hungry we are, or if we’ve ingested a disease-causing microbe", this pathway is called the brain-gut axis (Justin Sonnenburg, 2015). Studies show that the gut microbes influence the body’s level of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which regulates our feelings of happiness. This is where I get the "A-HA!" moment because my moods are experiencing repeated turbulence these days.
Giardia Lamblia 
My stomach can painfully empathize with a creature from the tropical jungle, struggling in the Sahara desert. I imagine a foreign species invading my comfortable and healthy stomach, causing it to be on the defense since I have arrived in Lima. I have had two parasites (blastocystis hominis and giardia), have gotten food poisoning, and continuously have stomach pain, bloating, and gas. On average, 80% of Peace Corps Volunteers will poop their pants during their service and are likely to have a parasite. I experienced neither during my service. Well, folks, two months in Lima and I have done it all. Fortunately, I have a toilet, washer, and easy access to bottled water.
Blastocystis Hominis
After visits with three different doctors, all sorts of analyses, taking antibiotics in the morning for a month, followed by probiotics during lunch, my agitation has no filter, and my motivation has diluted. As I am writing, I lower my chin and stare at my belly, caressing it thinking "It's OK buddy, you got this".

This internship has been full of surprises. Like when the tidal wave of hyper-focused joy and intensity overcame me when I assisted in mapping the 26 Zonas Veredales in Colombia; the steady amusement of researching homicides caused by security guards; and the refreshing satisfaction when learning an entirely new subject, like Forensics Ballistics. To a free "colon cleanse", naming my first parasite Ned, and helplessly reaching far ahead towards my own resiliency, stretching and clenching my hands like a hungry baby. Dramatic I know; this new lens and I have started off a little rough.
Emergency hospital in Lima

Lessons learned: Make sure you have good international insurance, drink bottled water, do not eat anything pre-cooked. If you are experiencing symptoms get two to three feces tests, see a couple of doctors, meal prep, and start a food diary. Surprise, who knew a couple of parasites would be such a great office icebreaker?! You will become a gut guru and give it humor. And finally, listen to your gut, mine whispers in agony "You are on the right path".

My grandpa Ed, my mom, and my guardian Pattys experiences resonate with me - their strength to overcome health obstacles far beyond this inspire me to keep moving forward with a firm walk.
Source: Gut Feelings ,

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Our eyes, the second most complex organ in the body, start to develop two weeks after we are conceived. It is estimated that our eyes are capable of processing 36,000 pieces of information per hour. And in recent years, retina scans are being used for security purposes; a fingerprint has 40 unique characteristics, but an iris has 256.
When it comes to sight, safety immediately comes to mind. Staying alert with situational awareness is fundamental in a city like Lima, where street crime is prevalent. According to Peruvian National Police (PNP) data, assaults and robberies involving violence have been on the rise over the last five years. In addition, Peru now ranks as one of the top producers of counterfeit U.S. currency in the world. According to the Secret Service, it is considered "the finest fake money on the planet", responsible for producing and distributing an estimated 60 percent of the world’s counterfeit currency. Like the Peruvians, I am suspicious of every large bill I am given.
Credit card fraud is rampant, and many travelers have reported the theft of their card numbers while traveling in Peru. I am one of them. Two weeks after arriving in Peru, my card was duplicated and money was withdrawn. Ten days after this, my boyfriend Ben got a bouquet of flowers delivered to my home in Miraflores. He made the purchase from California and his card information was taken immediately. Lessons from this experience are no more purchases online, travel with cash only (in small amounts), withdraw from a trusted ATM, only use my card when the credit machine is brought to me and cover my pin code when entering it.
I am grateful for Fran and the others who keep my apartment building safe 24/7, for Jose and the other security guards at the United Nations Complex for writing down all the license plates when we get in a cab, and for always being so polite while keeping us safe.
To lighten up the mood, the congested yet fascinating Lima city has me entertained constantly. A morning jog on a Saturday has me leaving my apartment with headphones intact, blocking out all external sound. To my right I see a petite old lady chatting up an employee at my favorite "Italian" restaurant, Sole Mio. To my left, I see my go-to coffee shop named Arabico, opening its red doors. The city seems alive and well. As I approach the Malecon - a bike trail on the coast - overjoyed people are rollerblading, biking, running,  skateboarding, and some are crossing with their surfboards. I smile as I spot a mom pushing her stroller and her husband walking their three-legged dog. The sun is flaunting its rays today. My view is filtered, it has been adjusted to high brightness. I even squint wearing my sunglasses (note to self: next time get better sunglasses). I stop at a corner to rest, I see a high-end cebicheria named Punta Sal getting their produce delivered by a man in a station wagon.
Lima Malecon

Produce Delivery 
Later in the day, I watch the city from my balcony on the 9th floor. The fog has made its grand appearance: a grim hand is reaching from the Pacific ocean, slowly devouring the city. An afternoon walk reminds me that any memory of cool air has evaporated, the UV rays perforate through the fog leaving a tan line across my chest from my shoulder bag. Lima is saturated with vehicles with no right away for its 9 million people. Staying alert and looking both ways, multiple times is a prerequisite when taking a stroll. The city of Miraflores is well maintained and clean. When it comes to Peruvians, I feel rather almighty since I am taller than most. Back home, my 5'1 stature often invites a joke or two. You don't need to speak the language to see that people are kind, raised with manners and welcoming of foreigners. While on a crowded bus, there will always be a younger teen or adult who gives their seat to a mom or a person of age.
Lima fog 

Women speaking Quechua as the keep the City of Miraflores clean

The sun is set and the city lights illuminate Miraflores. A starry night is eclipsed by a thick layer of clouds. Resting my head, unwinding as I turn on Netflix, grateful for today and its journeys. Thank you, sight, for keeping me safe in a foreign country.

Sources used: Sight, Crime in Lima, Fake Money

Friday, January 13, 2017


It's much more than noise. Sound waves are collected by the external ear and funneled to the eardrum where they vibrate. Hair cells convert the mechanical vibration to electrical signals, which excite 30,000 fibers. The auditory nerve then delivers the signals to the brainstem. From there, nerve fibers send the information to the part of the brain involved in perceiving sound. Gosh, the human body is fascinating!
I write this entry sitting on my mini stool listening to the ceiling fan oscillate. Drivers are yelling at pedestrians, birds are gossiping, bells are ringing, sirens are roaring, and incessant honks are herded through my corner window.
View of the Miraflores city from my window
My flight arrived at 8 am on January 1st. The moment I stepped onto Lima soil I heard the thundering City. I prefer the constant construction work and honking to fireworks any day! The city commotion never quits, day or night, but over time it seems to lower in volume.
My 8am-5pm Monday-Friday office job at UNLIREC has been an adjustment in terms of language. Accents from Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, and even Peru are beautifully captivating. While attending school at Monterey, I would be surrounded by jargon such as organizational sustainability, innovation, indicators, values, development, and culture. Whereas, now I hear SDG 16, Resolution 1540, nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction, small arms control, ending conflict, and forensics ballistics. Determination, focus, and research have no expiration date. I am here to learn, serve and grow. Recent google searches include what is headstamp, crime scene evidence to the court process, and anatomy of a handgun.
United Nations Complex in Magdalena del Mar, Lima
While listening in on a conference meeting with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, representatives in NY, Geneva, Vienna, and the Regional Centres in Togo and Nepal, a wave of honor and glory soared through my soul. Hearing Ban Kin-moon say "We welcome Adrianna to UNLIREC, say something", made my heart jump to my throat. Thankfully I didn't freeze and kept it brief; mentally high fiving myself for keeping my cool.
Currently, my most advantageous tool is not the ability to speak Spanish or the fact that I know the Peruvian culture well, nor my degree. My most valuable playing card is Listening. It is through listening that I am able to file new knowledge into my long term memory, exercise the disarmament nomenclature, and am able to get to know my team.

Happy New Year! I am so grateful for my auditory system and will end with a quote from Helen Keller: "Blindness cuts us off from things, but deafness cuts us off from people".
Sources: hearing, UNLIREC.


Welcome to my Blog, Lima, through lenses and senses.

I am a current graduate student at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, serving as an intern with the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNLIREC) in Lima...that is a mouth full. It seems UNLIREC and I have much in common, we were both born in 1986, we aim to reach global peace, and its located in Peru, a country dear to my heart where I served as a Peace Corps Volunteer from 2012-2014. The intention of this blog is to articulate this unique internship opportunity through different lenses and senses, share my experience working for a United Nations Regional Centre, and inform and entertain you, the reader. Thank you for visiting my blog!